保健按摩实用英语 1、 What is the symptom? 2、 Where are the pains? 3、 How long have you been ill? 4、 Please tell me about your illness. 5、 Where is the most painful part? 6、 Did the pain come slowly or suddenly? 7、 Any other symptoms? 8、 My neck is bothering me. 9、 Sometimes my head is spinning. 10、 I often have a headache. 11、 I often have backaches. 12、 When I am holding something in my hand, I feel that there is no strength in my upper arm. 13、 My right hand goes numb, especially the fourth and the fifth fingers. 14、 Lately I have been feeling very tired and having no strength. 15、 Has the pain spread to anywhere else? 16、 Is your illness connected to the change in the weather? 17、 Does your pain get worse, when it is wet and cloudy? 18、 What other sickness have you had before? 19、 What kind of treatment have you received in the past? 20、 Please lie on the bed ,so I can give you a check, 21、 Please bend your knees. 22、 Please take a deep breath. 23、 Please life up your right leg . 24、 Please tell me if you feel I am too strong. 25、 Doctor, what kind of illness do I have? 26、 You have problems with your cervical vertebra. 27、 You had better have an X-ray. 28、 You need a further check. 29、 Your condition needs much longer time to cure. 30、 After the treatment ,your illness will be cured. 31、 Massage is quite effective in treating your problems. 32、 Your illness is a bit more difficult to be cured. 33、 I often have pains in my lower back(in the lumbar vertebra). 34、 Please bend your back, tell me when it becomes painful. 35、 I hurt my back yesterday, when I was carrying something heavy. 36、 What kind of feeling do you have when I press my hand down? 37、 How do you feel now ,after the treatment last time? 38、 Please get down and move about to see if the pain has become less. 39、 When you walk for a long time, your left leg will hurt much more. 40、 When your illness become serious, you will feel difficulty in turning around and walking . 41、 It hurts very much at the spot where you have just pressed. 42、 The pain is spreading to the lower part of the body on the right side 43、 I have not slept well recently . 44、 Doctor, what should I do? 45、 Do I need to do some exercise? 46、 You need to have one course of treatment. 47、 When I press the point ,do you feel some increasing pressure? 48、 Please sit down and wait for a moment. 49、 Doctor, my knee hurts. 50、 My knee hurts when I go up and down the stairs. 51、 After I have rested in bed ,it becomes less painful. 52、 Please point out the most painful part with your finger. 53、 I twisted my leg a few days ago. 54、 My ankle is swollen 胀. 55、 Under what circumstances is your illness at its worst? 56、 Have you been feeling tired recently ? 57、 How is your appetite lately? 58、 I feel like vomiting sometimes.有时想吐。 59、 Please relax and do not hold your breath. 60、 The treatment is finished today. 61、 How do you feel now? 62、 When should I come again? 63、 Do you feel warm in the lower part of your body? 64、 My lower back hurts very much sometimes and less at other times. 65、 I have a really bad cough, and my throat hurts. 66、 How do you feel,when I push down here? 67、 Has your lower back hurt in the past? 68、 You are suffering from a disorder of the lumbar vertebra. 69、 Please come again for your next session tomorrow morning . 70、 You need treatment three times a week. 71、 There are ten sessions in one course of treatment. 72、 Massaging can ease your present discomfort. 73、 After your aches disappear,you will require a few more intensive sessions. 74、 Please raise your shoulder as high as possible. 75、 Massaging is beneficial to numerous illnesses. 76、 How long have you been aware of this pain? 77、 Has this pain spread to other areas? 78、 Please bend your knees and hip.请屈膝、屈髋。 79、 When you are lying flat,with your stomach raised upward, does your back hurt? 80、 The area around my wrist has been hurting in the last few days. 81、 Are you normally afraid of cold? 82、 I usually feel cold in my back. 83、 This part on your neck is turned sideways.您的颈椎有偏歪。 84、 You need the massage treatment for a period of time. 85、 This is the point called Hegu.这个点是合谷穴。 86、 We have standard whole body massage, finger-pressing massage, oil massage ,facial beauty massage and foot massage. 87、 According to the regulation, we don’t provide massage services in room. 88、 Do you feel pain here? 89、 Do you hurt here? 90、 Chinese massage stresses the meridians and the points.中国式按摩很讲究经络和穴位。 91、 There are a lot of Chinese massage manipulations.中国式按摩的手法很丰富。 92、 Sir, do you like massage harder or softer? 93、 Too hard, softer please. 94、 Now ,it’s just okay. 95、 Sir, do you want one more section ?先生,需要再加一节吗? 96、 Where the discomfort? 97、 The cost for each session is… 98、 Please pay here. 99、 Excuse me ,do you have foot reflexology massage?请问有没有足部按摩服务? 100、 Excuse me ,do you have stepping massage?请问有没有踩跷按摩服务? 101、 Would you like a keep-fit massage? 102、 Are ther any symptoms in your lower limbs?下肢有什么不舒服吗? 103、 Does the pain get worse when you bend of stretch your back? 104、 Huangdi Neijing (Huangdi’s Classic on Medicine )laid the foundation for formation of the Tuinaology system.《黄帝内经》为推拿医学体系的形成奠定了基础。 105、 All the objects in the universe contain the two opposite aspects of yin and yang. 106、 Yinyang is the basic law in the patural world. 107、 The theory of yin and yang permeates all aspects of theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine. 108、 The theory of yin and yang serves to explain the organic structure, physiological changes of the human body. 109、 The theory of five elements (or five phase) holds that wood, fire, earth, metal and water are the basic materials constituting the material world.金木水火土是构成自然界的基本物质。 110、 The theory of five elements mainly explains the inter-promotion ,inter-restriction, over-restriction and reverse-restriction among the five elements.五行学说主要解释五行之间的相生、相克、相乘和相侮关系。 111、 The theory of five elements mainly explains physiological and pathological changes of human body.五行学说能够解释人体的生理功能和病理状态。 112、 Qi is the fundamental constituent to form the human body. 113、 The movements and mutations of qi can explain all the physiological activities..气的生降出入运动可以解释人体的生理活动。 114、 Qi can be seen to have five basic function :activation, warming, defense, transformative action and containment.气有五个基本生理功能:推动作用、温煦作用、防御作用、气化作用和固摄作用。 115、 The blood is formed from the essential qi of water and grain transported and transformed by the spleen and stomach and becomes red blood by the functions of the Ying-Nutrient Qi and lung.来源于脾胃化生的水谷精微经肺的作用转化为红色的血。 116、 The body fluid is a general term for all the liquid substances of the human body.津液是体内各种正常水液的称。 117、 The main physiological function of the body fluid are moistening and lubricating.津液具有滋润和濡养的功能。 118、 The heart, lung, spleen liver and kidney are termed five Zang organs.心、肺、脾、肝、肾被称为五脏。 119、 The gallbladder, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, bladder and triple energizer are termed six Fu organs.胆、胃、大肠、小肠、膀胱和三焦被称为六腑。 120、 The four diagnostic methods refer to inspection, listening and smelling examination ,or auscultation and olfaction, inquiry and palpation.望闻问切被称为四诊。 121、 Inspection includes observing the patient’s spirit, tongue ,complexion, and overall appearance as well as his secretes and excreta.望诊主要是看病人的精神、舌像、面相等外观及其分泌物、排泄物。 122、 Listening and smelling is mainly supposed to the quality of the patient’s voice, respiration ,and cough and to smell the body and secretes and excreta.闻诊主要是听声音(病人的声音、呼吸、咳嗽)和闻气味儿(体味、分泌物、排泄物的气味)。 123、 Inquiry is mainly supposed to question the patient about the onset and development of the illness, present symptoms and any previous treatment.问诊中医是询问病人的病史、现有的症状、曾经的治疗方法。 124、 Palpation is mainly supposed to feel the pulse and related areas of the patient’s body.切诊的主要内容是诊脉。 125、 In traditional Chinese medicine, the etiological factors include six exogenous pathogenic factors, pestilential qi, seven emotions, improper diet, irregular daily activity , etc.中医的病因包括六淫、瘴气、七情、饮食失调、劳逸失调等。 126、 The meridian-collateral theory is a theoretical bases of acupuncture, moxibustion , tuina and qigong.经络学说是针、灸、推拿、气功的理论基础。 127、 The collaterals are the branches of the meridians.络脉是经脉的分支。 128、 The meridians are classified into three categories: the twelve regular meridians and eight extra vessels and the divergent meridians.经脉可以分为三类,即十二正经、奇经八脉和十二经别。 129、 Acupoints are not only the pathways foe the circulation of qi and blood, but also the loci of response to disease.穴位不仅是气血循行的通路,而且是疾病的反应点。 130、 Acupoints falls into three categories, the acupionts of the fourteen meridians, extra acupionts and Ashi acupionts.穴位分为经穴、奇穴和阿是穴。 131、 Treating disease form the root is one of the bases principles of treatment base on pattern identification in Tuina therapy.治病求本是推拿辨证论治的基本原则之一。 132、 The acting principles of tuina are balancing yin and yang ,regulating zang and fu organs, dredging meridians and collaterals, promoting circulation of qi and activation of blood.推拿的作用原理是:平衡阴阳,调和脏腑,疏通经络和行气活血。 |